Monday 28 January 2013

This weeks lesson demonstrations...gore gore and the beautiful 30s

Its been a busy week, both my level 2 & 3 group have started their new modules, 'the art of photographic make up' and 'media make up, SFX.'
Have to admit its my favourite topics to teach, demo and experiment with.

My level 2, started their work on their formative assessments, theme classic era, after all everything is influenced by the past so this is the perfect introduction to photographic makeup, my love of all things vintage/retro fits perfectly with this topic.
My demonstration focused on blocking out eyebrows with soap for a beautiful classic 1930s look on the lovely Peggy. It was fun doing the demonstrate especially when the students realised that to block out dark brows effectively you use a red colour and after I was told of a new technique of using matt red lipstick from the clever little bee that is Pam, it completely warped their mind! But the proof was in the result. Soap + powder + red matt lipstick/concealer + powder + flesh tones ( repeat if necessary) = no eye brows!
I would of liked to do another lay of blocking out but you only have a small amount of time to show the techniques and then the students get to practice or research.
Isn't it amazing what you can do with makeup, looooove doing this job!!!!!
So next we have the gore gore gore of my Level 3 lesson, again one of my favourite topics to teach. I think its because you can create such a drastic change in a persons appearance. The lesson focused on casualty effects, just the basics as I want to encourage my creative lot to create their own gorey delights! I included this montage video of casualty effects used in film, tv and theatre using dead cheesey music, can you guess what it was...ACDC if you want blood....of course it was! Nothing else would of fit so perfectly!
Obviously I made sure that the students understood to produce a SFX you need to understand how the body would realistic react to that "effect" and in most cases look at real casualty effects to visually see what happens.
So the demonstrations I showed the students focused of introducing each basic product used in SFX and what you could do with them. It started simple with bruises, I only have two types of products; cream and interested in the powder but can't find it anywhere...anyway for now product of chose is bruise gels because they're blend able, waterproof, realist and fab!

Next on the agenda, cuts using only cream makeup and bloooooood...easy 2D effect for sensitive skinned people unable to have things glued on!
Next its cuts using wax....
one of my favourite ways, best product to use is grimas derma wax with grimas casualty palette.
Latex cuts...not my favourite but has its place, all moulded on the hand. Prosthetic lesson is soon to come!
Burn baby burns....with latex
And my favourite effect, melty skin with Gelatine...yummy yum yum! I think its because its so much fun to apply!

Little bit too red, but not too shabby for a quick 10 min demo!!
My students seem to have fun being on the gore, and are beginning to develop some good skills, at first they became frustrated with their first attempts but as they began to understand the colour ratios and using real wounds to influence their work they settled into it.

Look at the concentration!

Shannon is not best pleased!
I also managed to fit in a few extra effects, such as broken nose using wax.

and the lovely cold sore, created with a rice crispy...yum!

Next lesson is on aging techniques.....that's going to be fun!


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