Thursday 2 January 2014

First blog of the New Year....

Happy New Year lovelies, bit late but better than never....hope you all had a marvellous Christmas and Santa brought you wonderful gifts and pretty treats!

I've been meaning to do this blog for ages but with all the Christmas and New Years party make ups its been hard finding time, its basically looking at my Christmas Makeup, well some of it. I have this thing were I try to wear different Christmas inspired makeup everyday during the last 2 weeks of college, to get the students in the spirit and encourage them to have a play with make-up and see what they come up has nothing to do with the fact I love glitter and going out and about with people constantly trying to look closely at you makeup without looking do look suspicious but I find it hysterical!

So here you have it...Christmas 2013, some of the festive inspired make-up I created....
The Christmas Bow look, using one of the best products in my kit...yes that's right, Illamasqua's Sealing Gel mixed with the lushious green eye shadow "Frame". Creates the best green eye liner! The Lipstick is another of my favourites..." Apocalips", just look at that yummy yummy colour and I found it had staying power if you prep your lips (which you should always do anyhoo, I recommend Lush, lip scrub followed by Lush lip balm, "None of your beeswax." for silky soft lips!) 
My next look which was my favourite over the entire weeks, my penguin look. Look how cute it is!!
Again the detailing is done mixing the sealing gel with various coloured eye shadows. The main key to any of these sort of looks is to have a really thin, short brush. I find that if the brush is too long it will bend when you're trying to get the detailed work applied, short brushes reduce that.
My ickle Rudolf eyes, this look was more for the white mascara and winter wonderland, snow look. Plus I've used the beautiful "Scribe", white liquid liner by Illamasqua which just glides on...see previous review for more details about this little magical product!
The white mascara is a StarGazer product, I have quiet a few coloured mascara's from them as I love the colours produced, without clumps! And the price tag is even better!!

This was my other favourite look, I love my red eye's my power colour! The snow flakes are applied using Illamasqua's white eye liner (same as above) and I just could not resist a bit of winter bling bling!
And of course as always I have been playing with some hair know me and vintage looks. Went a little over board with Hollywood Vintage styles and came up with this....
Pin curls galore!! Hurray! The hair piece is by the wonderful ... who creates the most beautiful hair pieces and hats I have ever seen and the service is top notice on delivery, packaging and overall loveliness! Check them out and like their page!!!
So there you have it, my Christmas inspired make up. There are a few more images and looks on my facebook page, so feel free to check them out and Like what you like!
This year I am planning a few big SFX looks, testing out creating some more prosthetics as well as fingers crossed attending a few SFX specialised courses through out the year which I'll be reviewing on here.
Oh and some other exciting news, I've been nominated for a teaching award! Yays! So happy, thankie to all!
Speak soon,


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