Friday 5 July 2013

FaceLace by Phyllis Cohen Product Review

In this entry am going to be doing a quick review of one of the products I bought from IMATS which is Phyllis Cohen's FaceLace which I have been interested in for ages and after being booked to do a makeup for a mask ball immediately thought of this product.
The reason why I was so interested in this product was because of the interact designs that are on offer, there are several different styles to choose from. There are full masks, half masks, swirly styles, modern styles as well as designs that can be placed down the side of the face. They all look fantastic and quick and easy way to create detail to your makeup.

I bought two different "eye masks", Burlesque and Fleurty.
My client didn't want to wear a traditional mask to her mask ball due to the fact that mask commonly hurt your nose when you wear then for a long amount of time therefore Facelace was just the thing to avoid this problem.
After applying all her makeup and eye details, I started on applying the Facelace, Fleurty was the design picked. To be honest it was a little fiddly to remove from the backing paper but as long as you have tweezers on stand by and you don't rush...remember people the greatest things are create out of patience! It didn't take long to apply, the good thing was that if it was in wrong position you could gently lift it off and replace...I image you couldn't do this too many times however.
The result after applying was amazing, it added such class and style to the makeup and my client was over the moon with the results created. I did add some bling bling to the mask using small gems to match the jewellery she was wearing but honestly you could get away with not having them.
So the finished result...I think she looks absolutely beautiful. 


My honest opinion of this product is it is absolutely amazing. The lace lasted all night with no edges lifting and she didn't have any problems taking it off. It didn't leave any irritating residue and you can put it back on the backing paper for you to use another day.
 I am definitely going to be buying more in the future. Knowing me I'll end up with one of each style because I can't decide which ones I like more. I would recommend this product to everyone, makeup artists, makeup lovers or just anyone who wants to be centre attention at a party...I can guarantee that you will be!

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